GBM Lunch
Jochen Schwenk: Precision medicine through the eyes of the plasma proteome

Speaker: Jochen Schwenk, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Title: Precision medicine through the eyes of the plasma proteome
Chair: Oliver Pötz, Signatope/NMI, Reutlingen
Organizers: Study Group Bioanalytics
Precision medicine through the eyes of the plasma proteome
Prof. Dr. Jochen M Schwenk, Science for Life Laboratory, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Tomtebodavagen 23, 171 65 Stockholm, Sweden
Recent advances in proteomics technologies have enabled us to study the proteins circulating in human blood at a yet unprecedented depth and precision. This consequently provides new opportunities to study human biology at a different scale. Together with complementary data from other omics fields, as well as extensive clinical and lifestyle information, opportunities emerge to engage proteomics in our efforts on precision medicine. In order to unlock the full potential of these capabilities, however, there is a need to integrate knowledge about the biology of the circulating proteins [1] and design studies that allow us to account for bias in the data [2].
We engage a variety of advanced multiplexed affinity proteomics systems to profile 100s of proteins circulating in 1000s of plasma samples. Over the last decade, we developed and applied various antibody validation schemes using paired antibodies in dual capture assays [3], sandwich immunoassays [4], immuno-capture MS [5] and antibody-free targeted MS assays [6]. More recently, we and others learned to infer protein binding and regulation of protein abundance from studying genetic variants (pQTLs) [7,8]. The presentation will touch upon insights from large-scaled explorations of plasma proteomes aiming to characterise states of health and disease. We will discuss a variety of different parameters affecting the proteome analysis, such as pre-analytical variables. Besides larger multi-omics efforts [9,10], I will touch upon longitudinal profiling of person-specific proteomes and the discuss the values these studies can add to monitor progression of health states over time or treatment [11-13].
With growing numbers of proteomics assays and data from population biobanks, new insights about the individuality of human health will emerge. Considering these aspects, better data-driven tools for patient stratification will become available, that can position the analysis of the circulating proteomes as a value for precision medicine.
Literature: [1] Uhlen et al. Sci Signal 2019 (PMID 31772123) [2] Ignjatovic et al. J Proteome Res 2019. (31573204) [3] Ayoglu et al. Proteomics 2016 (26935855) [4] Häussler et al. Proteomics 2019 (31278833) [5] Fredolini et al. Sci Rep 2019 (31171813); [6] Edfors et al. J Proteome Res 2019. (31094526). [7] Suhre et al. Nat Gen Rev 2020 (29875488). [8] Zhong et al. Genome Med 2020 (32576278). [9] Gudmundsdottir et al. Genome Med 2020 (33261667). [10] Atabaki-Pasdar et al. 2020 PlosMed (32559194). [11] Dodig-Crnkovic et al EBioMed 2020 (32629387). [11] Tebani et al. NatCommun 2020 (32900998) [12] Gummesson et al EBioMed 2021 (33279861)