IUBMB News - Issue November 2023
The November 2023 issue of the IUBMB Newsletter is now out...
The November 2023 issue of the IUBMB Newsletter is now out...
Neue Stellungnahme der unterzeichnenden wissenschaftlichen Fachgesellschaften zum Referentenentwurf der Novelle des Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetzes
FEBS and GBM are pleased to announce that this year's FEBS Anniversary Award winners are Ville Kaila and Lena Pernas. The award will be presented at the 47th FEBS Congress (8-12 July 2023, France).
GBM and Elsevier/BBA have launched an interview series with Otto Warburg Medal awardees. The first two interviews can be found here.
Statement of the undersigned professional societies in the field of natural and life sciences on the planned amendment of the Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz (WissZeitVG - German Act on Scientific Temporary Contracts)
The January 2023 issue of the IUBMB Newsletter is now out...