„Brain in a dish – explant and stem cell models of neurodegenerative diseases“
Satellite Symposium at the 12th Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society
Wednesday, March 22, 2016 9:00-12:00
Chairs: Roland Brandt (Osnabrück) and Rolf Heumann (Bochum);
supported by the Gesellschaft für Biochemie und Molekularbiologie (GBM), (Study group “Molecular Neurobiology”)
Ex vivo models have the potential to fill the gap between studies using dissociated cells, model organisms and human patients in deciphering mechanisms and potential treatment approaches for neurologic and psychiatric disorders. They can provide important insights about the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases and could represent an effective screening platform to identify novel therapeutics. In addition, stem cell-based approaches may provide the basis for therapy development.
The aim of the international symposium is to present ex vivo models and the application of neural stem cells by bringing together researchers from basic science, medicine, programoriented research and companies. Furthermore, it will be elaborated on how pharmacological modulation affects neurodegeneration in explants. The symposium will also include a discussion of how comparable such systems are with the in vivo situation.
Prof. Andreas Faissner, Cell Morphology and Molecular Neurobiology, Ruhr University Bochum
“Neural stem cells and their niches: Focus on the extracellular matrix”
Dr. An Verheyen, Janssen Research & Development, Beerse, Belgium
“Evaluation of human iPSC-derived neurons to model neurodegenerative diseases”
Dr. Stefanie Hauck, Research Unit Protein Science, Helmholtz Zentrum München
“Elucidation of therapeutic aspects of neuron-glia communication using ex vivo explants”
Dr. Lidia Bakota, Department of Neurobiology, University of Osnabrück
“Brain slices as models for neurodegenerative disease and platforms to study therapeutics”
Prof. Christian Humpel, Laboratory of Psychiatry and Experimental Alzheimer’s Disease, Medical University Innsbruck, Austria
“How comparable are brain slices with the in vivo situation - with a focus on Alzheimer´s disease"
Ort: Göttingen, Germany