
Mosbacher Kolloquia - 1950 - 2002


1950 Energetik des intermediären Stoffwechsels
1951 Mikroskopische und chemische Organisation der Zellen
1952 Die Chemie und der Stoffwechsel des Nervengewebes
1953 Biologie und Wirkung der Fermente
1954 Hormone und ihre Wirkungsweise
1955 Vergleichend biochemische Fragen
1956 Chemie und Stoffwechsel von Binde- und Knochengewebe
1957 Chemie und Stoffwechsel der Kohlenhydrate
1958 Chemie der Genetik
1959 Dynamik des Eiweißes
1961 Zur Bedeutung der freien Nucleotide
1961 Biochemie des aktiven Transports
1962 Induktion und Morphogenese
1963 Mechanismen enzymatischer Reaktionen
1964 Immunchemie
1965 Lipoide
1966 Molekulare Biologie des malignen Wachstums
1967 Wirkungsmechanismen der Hormone
1968 Biochemie des Sauerstoffs
1969 Inhibitors. Tools in Cell Research
1970 Mammalian Reproduction
1971 The Dynamic Structure of Cell Membranes
1972 Protein-Protein Interactions
1973 Regulation of Transcription and Translation in Eukaryotes
1974 Biochemistry of Sensory Functions
1975 Molecular Basis of Motility
1976 The Immune System
1977 Integration and Excision of DNA Molecules
1978 Energy Conservation in Biological Membranes
1979 Biological Functions of Proteinases
1980 Biological Chemistry of Organelle Formation
1981 Structural and Functional Aspects of Enzyme Catalysis
1982 Biochemistry of Differentiation and Morphogenesis
1983 Biological Oxidations
1984 The Impact of Gene Transfer Techniques in Eucaryotic Cell Biology
1985 Neurobiochemistry
1986 Cell Cycle and Oncogene
1987 Molecular Basis in Viral and Bacterial Pathogenesis
1988 Protein Structure and Protein Engineering
1989 Molecular Mechanisms of Hormone Action
1990 The Molecular Basis of Bacterial Metabolism
1991 Molecular Aspects of lnflammation
1992 DNA-Replication and Cell Cycle
1993 Glyco- and Cell Biology
1994 The Cytoskeleton
1995 Molecular Biology of Tumor Development
1996 Pathogen Defense in Animals and Plants
1997 Transport of Organic Solutes Across Membranes
1998 Molecular Chaperones in Biology and Medicine
1999 Molecular Mechanisms in Nervous System Disorders
2000 GTP Binding Proteins: Central Regulators in Cell Biology
2001 Evolution - in Vivo, in Vitro and in Machina
2002 Impact of Molecular Medicine an Drug Development


Ort: Mosbach/Baden, Germany
