Mosbacher Kolloquia - 1950 - 2002
1950 | Energetik des intermediären Stoffwechsels |
1951 | Mikroskopische und chemische Organisation der Zellen |
1952 | Die Chemie und der Stoffwechsel des Nervengewebes |
1953 | Biologie und Wirkung der Fermente |
1954 | Hormone und ihre Wirkungsweise |
1955 | Vergleichend biochemische Fragen |
1956 | Chemie und Stoffwechsel von Binde- und Knochengewebe |
1957 | Chemie und Stoffwechsel der Kohlenhydrate |
1958 | Chemie der Genetik |
1959 | Dynamik des Eiweißes |
1961 | Zur Bedeutung der freien Nucleotide |
1961 | Biochemie des aktiven Transports |
1962 | Induktion und Morphogenese |
1963 | Mechanismen enzymatischer Reaktionen |
1964 | Immunchemie |
1965 | Lipoide |
1966 | Molekulare Biologie des malignen Wachstums |
1967 | Wirkungsmechanismen der Hormone |
1968 | Biochemie des Sauerstoffs |
1969 | Inhibitors. Tools in Cell Research |
1970 | Mammalian Reproduction |
1971 | The Dynamic Structure of Cell Membranes |
1972 | Protein-Protein Interactions |
1973 | Regulation of Transcription and Translation in Eukaryotes |
1974 | Biochemistry of Sensory Functions |
1975 | Molecular Basis of Motility |
1976 | The Immune System |
1977 | Integration and Excision of DNA Molecules |
1978 | Energy Conservation in Biological Membranes |
1979 | Biological Functions of Proteinases |
1980 | Biological Chemistry of Organelle Formation |
1981 | Structural and Functional Aspects of Enzyme Catalysis |
1982 | Biochemistry of Differentiation and Morphogenesis |
1983 | Biological Oxidations |
1984 | The Impact of Gene Transfer Techniques in Eucaryotic Cell Biology |
1985 | Neurobiochemistry |
1986 | Cell Cycle and Oncogene |
1987 | Molecular Basis in Viral and Bacterial Pathogenesis |
1988 | Protein Structure and Protein Engineering |
1989 | Molecular Mechanisms of Hormone Action |
1990 | The Molecular Basis of Bacterial Metabolism |
1991 | Molecular Aspects of lnflammation |
1992 | DNA-Replication and Cell Cycle |
1993 | Glyco- and Cell Biology |
1994 | The Cytoskeleton |
1995 | Molecular Biology of Tumor Development |
1996 | Pathogen Defense in Animals and Plants |
1997 | Transport of Organic Solutes Across Membranes |
1998 | Molecular Chaperones in Biology and Medicine |
1999 | Molecular Mechanisms in Nervous System Disorders |
2000 | GTP Binding Proteins: Central Regulators in Cell Biology |
2001 | Evolution - in Vivo, in Vitro and in Machina |
2002 | Impact of Molecular Medicine an Drug Development |
Ort: Mosbach/Baden, Germany