GBM Young Investigators

YI @ Workshops
Dear GBM-YI,
On 16 May 2024, we are organizing an online workshop on the topic "Developing my research brand".
The success of an academic career depends to a large extent on how well you manage to develop your own distinctive research profile. The workshop offers participants support in the further planning of their academic career with a view to acquiring funding and taking their individual career profiles into account.
Workshop description
Particularly in transition phases, academics often need to reflect on their own position and skills and weigh up different career and funding options. Knowledge of research and career support programs as well as one's own strengths and interests are important prerequisites for making informed decisions regarding the next development steps. In addition, potential employers and funders are increasingly asking applicants to provide clear descriptions of their career and research profile in order to assess the fit with the institution or program.
The workshop is subsidized by the GBM, so that participation is possible for the low personal contribution of only 125€ (instead of 450€). The number of participants is limited to eight members of the GBM-YI working group. (Not a member of the GBM-YI, yet? You can register here:
If you are interested, please send the following information by January 19, 2024 at the latest to:
full name and position
website of the laboratory
Selection is based on the “first come, first served” principle.
We look forward to receiving your application
On behalf of the GBM-YI
Jürgen Lassak