GBM Young Investigators
Welcome to the homepage of the GBM Young Investigators! Enjoy reading about our motivation, activities and potential opportunities for you.
If you want to benefit from a growing network of senior postdocs and young group leaders, get in contact with us and join the open-minded circle of the Young Investigators.
All members are represented by the steering board, which also takes responsibility for the working group’s organization of events, its involvements and future directions. Our spokesperson represents our interests to the GBM Presidential office.
Who we are
Our Motivation
The years immediately before and during the initial period of an independent group leader position make up one of the most productive, yet most critical phases in a scientist’s career. Exchanging experiences with peers, opportunities to interact and collaborate, in particular during the (re-) integration into the German research environment, as well as reliable funding are key ingredients for success.... read more
Our Goals
We aim to establish a network of senior Postdocs and young group leaders, which provides a framework for interaction, discussion and concerted actions. By doing so, we hope to achieve the following goals:... read more
Our Approach
As a subgroup within the GBM, we aim for a close connection to events provided by the GBM. As one central activity, we regularly organize a satellite meeting in the frame of the Mosbacher Kolloquium during which:... read more
YI @ Biospektrum
The YI regularly appear in the journal Biospektrum, where we e.g. report on our group and activities. The journal Biospektrum also serves as an ideal platform to promote the group of YI in showing their research activities. As a young researcher you can benefit from this platform and showcase your work/lab/collaborations within the Biospektrum.... read more
Events & Activities
Newest Activities
YI @ GBM Lunch
The GBM YI are actively participating in the well-perceived digital GBM lunch seminars. Find more information and the actual schedule on the GBM Lunch page. Speakers invited and hosted by the YI since the start of lunch meetings ...... read more
YI Mentoring Program
This mentoring program is aimed at young group leaders within the GBM and is intended to support and advise them on their way to an independent academic career. Experienced scientists will act as mentors to guide young group leaders in the efficient development of their scientific career...... read more
YI @ Industry
You want to connect your research with leading industry scientists? Leading pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies will host 10-15 young researchers to establish personal connections, to exchange ideas, discuss exciting new science and to find common ground for potential ...... read more
YI @ GBM Conferences
The upcoming GBM fall conference 2022 will host a Young Investigator Award competition. The GBM and Picoquant offer this prize to honor a young investigator with outstanding achievements in the research field “Molecular Basis of Life”...... read more
YI @ Workshops
On November 29th this year, we are organizing our first online workshop on: “Forschungsförderung strategisch nutzen”.
The increasing competitive pressure within the German and international science system has led to scientists applying for funding with projects in ever shorter periods of time. However, not every program is equally ...... read more
YI @ Biological Chemistry
In a well-established joint venture with the journal Biological Chemistry (DeGruyter), the YI have since 2019 successfully organized four highlight issues, in which current or future young junior group leaders illustrate the broad range of ...... read more
YI Success Stories
We here provide a few examples of (former) GBM YI members and show how versatile they have continued their careers. Our current and previous members will always be available for discussion and exchange, either in an organized manner (watch out for Upcoming events) or upon individual contact ...... read more
Our Team
GBM Young Investigators
Gesellschaft für Biochemie
und Molekularbiologie e.V.
Christina E. Weinberg
Group leader
Martin Luther Universität Halle
Allgemeine Biochemie
Nina Bonekamp
Senior scientist
University Heidelberg
Yury Bykov
Group leader
RPTU Kaiserslautern
Quantitative cell biology
Sophie Brameyer
Group leader
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Biozentrum, Mikrobiologie
Stefan Düsterhöft
Group leader
Institute of Molecular Pharmacology
University Hospital RWTH Aachen
Antje Ebert
Group leader
Georg August University Göttingen
Andrea Hupfeld (née Kneuttinger)
Group leader
University Regensburg
Regensburg Center for Biochemistry
Jirka Peschek
Group leader
Biochemistry Center University Heidelberg
Valentina Piano
Group leader
Institute of Human Genetics / CMMC
University Hospital Cologne