Junior GBM

Anyone who would like to organize scientific lectures or exciting discussions does not have to wait until they have made a name for themselves as a researcher before doing so. Students are invited to become active: If five or more young GBM members get together at a location, they can form a jGBM city group with each other.

If you are interested, ask your local GBM contact person about requirements and possibilities for founding a city group. The GBM office will also be happy to provide information.

As the national spokesperson, we see ourselves as a contact and liaison between the GBM and its youth organization. We are looking forward to an increased integration at meetings and events and want to take responsibility for GBM events in the future. Our goal is to further connect the junior GBM city groups and establish nationwide events.

The Junior-GBM is intended to spark, maintain, and carry forward interest and passion for science.

All young members, students and PhD students are invited to participate. Please contact your city group spokesperson or simply found your own city group at your university.

Together with you we are looking forward to many new events, conferences, lecture series, workshops and joint trips. If you have any questions, problems or suggestions, please contact us and write an e-mail.

Currently there are no events.


Frederike Knipp, Rostock
Marcel Zimmeck, Hamburg
