
GBM Lunch


The virtual seminars take place every second Wednesday from 12.30 to 13.30 (lectures in English) as a Zoom conference.

To take part, a GBM membership is not a prerequisite, but we are happy to welcome new members (further information:!

You will find the Zoom link to the GBM Lunch seminars here.

If you would like to receive a reminder email, which we will send out approximately one day before each event, please register below.

The seminars are held in alternating succession by GBM Study Groups, the GBM Young Investigator, the GBM Postdocs and the Junior GBM.

The GBM Lunch is aimed at a wide audience, both in terms of professional scope and the level of expertise of the participants. Following the lecture there will be an opportunity for Q&A.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback, please feel free to contact the GBM office (Prof. Dr. Katharina Hieke-Kubatzky, ).
