GBM - Students & Young Investigators

The promotion of young scientists is a very important field of activity of the GBM.

Here, Junior GBM forms a community of interest for students and PhD students from the molecular biosciences. Thanks to our dedicated young scientists, there are currently active Junior GBM groups at over 30 locations. These organize lectures, company and institute visits, meetings and regulars' tables, as well as a summer symposium once a year at changing locations. All Junior GBM groups meet at the Mosbach Colloquium to exchange ideas.


A second group of scientists for whom we develop a special offer are postdocs and group leaders. In 2015, the Young Investigators working group was established from this area, which now takes care of the special concerns of this target group and designs corresponding events (i.e. workshops, round tables, meetings and much more).


GBM Young Investigators