GBM Postdocs

Welcome to the homepage of our new “GBM Postdocs”!

The GBM Postdocs is an interest group within the GBM that is geared towards connecting young scientists in academia and industry after their PhD. With workshops, scientific meetings, round table discussions, and other activities we would like to create a forum for postdocs within the GBM to network and grow as scientists. The GBM Postdocs seeks to build a bridge between the jGBM ( and the more independent GBM Young Investigators ( and encourages all German and international postdocs to join for free!

The GBM Postdocs is currently being founded. If you are interested in actively shaping this group and its activities or would like to meet other peers within the GBM: Join this new group by signing up below.


Our first in-person meeting is at the Mosbacher Kolloquium (see below) where we seek to obtain input from ALL GBM members and conference attendees. We actively invite current members of the jGBM to use this opportunity and explore their future interest group.

This inaugural meeting will be followed up by an online meeting for all interested in becoming part of the GBM Postdocs. Want to become a member and be informed about events and meetings?


Our Team




GBM Postdocs
Gesellschaft für Biochemie
und Molekularbiologie e.V.



Mörfelder Landstr. 125
60598 Frankfurt am Main


Daniela Kruck

PhD student
Biomedical Center
Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich


Florestan Bilsing

Biochemistry Center
University Heidelberg

Florestan Bilsing

Lara Behrmann

PhD candidate
University Hospital Bonn

Sarah Knapp

PhD student
University Hospital RWTH Aachen