
Study Group Biomembranes

The study group Biomembranes (formerly "Membrane Structure and Transport") of the Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (GBM) was founded in 1977. It addresses members of the GBM and other interested colleagues whose research focuses on the biochemistry and physiology of biological membranes and who are interested in scientific issues related to membrane transport processes, functional analysis and structure elucidation of membrane components, communication between cellular structures, or applied biotechnological membrane research. Similar to the multifaceted nature of biomembranes and their functional repertoire, the study group aims to be a multidisciplinary forum for biochemists, biophysicists, physicians, and others, and to contribute to the advancement of information and collaboration in the field of biomembrane research of prokaryotic, eukaryotic, and in vitro systems.

In view of the multitude and heterogeneity of the fields of work defined here, the study group sees itself as a platform for an integrative transfer of information in order to span formal disciplinary boundaries. Especially with regard to this integrative aspect, the direct exchange of questions with thematic and methodological overlaps between members in different research areas shall be strengthened. This is achieved through workshops, joint meetings and symposia, the Transport Colloquium meeting, which takes place every two years, and the active participation of the currently 600 members in an effective (electronic) exchange of experiences, which is also supported by the GBM.

Biomembranes is an exciting field and the study group highly welcomes new members. Interested parties are welcome to contact the speakers directly or use the GBM web portal.

Prof. Dr. Eckhard Hofmann
Universität Bochum
AG Proteinkristallographie
LS Biophysik, ND04/318
44780 Bochum
P. +49 234 3224463

Prof. Dr. Joachim Geyer
Universität Gießen
FB Veterinärmedizin
Inst. f. Pharmakologie u.Toxikologie 
Schubertstr. 81 
35392 Gießen
P. +49 641 9938404

Prof. Dr. Eric Geertsma
MPI für Molekulare Zellbiologie und Genetik
Pfotenhauerstr. 108
01307 Dresden
P. +49 351 2102523