Study Group Cellular Organelles

With the development of elegant tools to study the biogenesis, function, dynamics, positioning and communication of cellular organelles with spatiotemporal precision, we belief it is the right time to launch a new study group on “Cellular organelles”. This study group replace the study group “Molecular Cell Biology”.
Cellular organelles typically are compartments confined by membranes and characterized by a specific milieu and composition to perform specialized functions. Moreover, cells also contain membrane-less organelles to facilitate compartmentalization of cellular processes in a dynamic and reversible manner. For the functionality of cells and their physiological integration into tissues and organs, membrane-bound organelles need to cooperate and to communicate with each other but also with membrane-less organelles. Organellar communication is required to integrate various cellular activities, to efficiently respond to extracellular and intracellular signals and to orchestrate adaption to developmental or metabolic cues. Communication can be achieved through membrane contact sites, allowing direct exchange of ions, lipids or metabolites between the juxtaposed membranes. In a more indirect way, the exchange of information is mediated by signaling molecules that are implicated in organellar stress responses and quality control.

The molecular mechanisms of organellar function and communication, their regulation and dysfunction linked to disease be the focus of the new study group.
There will be a short kick-off event to introduce and launch this study group at the GBM Compact “Focus on Imaging” in Frankfurt (September 26-27, 2024).

If we have sparked your interest, please join the cell organelle enthusiasts!

Prof. Dr. Konstanze Winklhofer
Universität Bochum
Physiol. Chemie/Mol. Zellbiologie
MA 2/143
44801 Bochum
P. +49 234 3228428

Prof. Dr. Johannes Herrmann
Technische Universität Kaiserslautern
FB Biologie/ Zellbiologie
E.-Schrödinger-Straße 13
P. +49 631 2052406