Study Group Glycobiology

Founded in 1977, the GBM Study Group “Glycobiology“ aims to promote glycoscience research in Germany. We provide an attractive forum for researchers studying the structure, function and biology of glycans (glycoproteins, glycolipids, proteoglycans, polysaccharides and free oligosaccharides) and glycan-binding proteins.

The Study Group “Glycobiology” organizes meetings and workshops to foster knowledge transfer, stimulate new collaborations, and to educate young scientists in glycobiology. Active promotion of early-career scientists is at heart of our annual Joint Glycobiology Meeting, which is organized together with the Dutch, French and (since 2005) Belgian glycobiology study groups. Held in a relaxing atmosphere, the meeting provides a stimulating platform especially for young researchers, who are preferentially selected for oral presentations.

Glycobiology is an emerging and multidisciplinary field. To build a strong network, new members are always welcome. Be part of the glyco-community and join the Study Group “Glycobiology”!

PD Dr. Martina Mühlenhoff
Medizinische Hochschule Hannover
Klinische Biochemie
Carl-Neuberg-Str. 1
30625 Hannover
P. +49 511 5326547

Prof. Dr. Bernd Lepenies
Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover
Emerging Infections and Zoonoses
Bünteweg 17
30559 Hannover
P. +49 511 9536135