We are currently expanding our website with an english version. At the moment not all content is transferred. We ask for a little patience and refer to the German version of the website.

German Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Be part of a strong scientific network !


Call for applications:
GBM PhD Awards

Bayer Pharmaceuticals PhD Award and Karl Lohmann PhD Award. These prizes for young scientists are awarded for the two best doctoral theses on biochemical or molecular biological topics. Deadline: Nov. 30, 2024

Statement on the
amendment WissZeitVG

Statement by the undersigned professional societies in the natural and life sciences on the planned amendment to the law on temporary contracts in the sciences
(Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz- WissZeitVG)

Otto-Warburg-Medaille for Johannes Buchner

In recognition of his fundamental contributions to protein structure formation and the role of chaperones, Prof Dr Johannes Buchner was awarded the 2024 Otto Warburg Medal of the GBM.