Contact Persons

The "contact persons" are the contact for GBM at individual universities and at industrial companies.

They provide information about GBM meetings, FEBS and IUBMB events.

They help young members with applications for support from the GBM travel fund.

They advise and assist students in establishing junior GBM city groups and organizing events.

They provide information about GBM membership.

They organize GBM Lectures.

Public profile of Aymelt Itzen

First name Aymelt
Last name Itzen
Company UKE
Street Martinistr. 52
Postal code 20246
City Hamburg
Country de
Phone number 040 7410 53386
Department Inst. f. Biochemie und Signaltransduktion, Geb. N54, Raum 216
Title Prof. Dr.

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