
Working Group Industry

In July 2019, GBM representatives met with GBM members from industry at the Mannheim University of Applied Sciences to initiate the foundation of an "Industry Working Group" (AK Industrie). The aim of this working group is to strengthen the network between academia and industry within GBM. Prof. Carsten Hopf, who heads the Center for Mass Spectrometry and Optical Spectroscopy (CeMOS) at the Mannheim University of Applied Sciences and who previously worked in industry for 13 years, played a leading role.

The members of the GBM have so far been recruited mainly from the university environment. However, there are members who work in companies. These expressed a need for a forum for exchange among themselves within GBM, but also opportunities for outreach between Academia and industry. In addition, careers in industry should be perceived as an important option for young scientists and should also be communicated.

As a professional society, the GBM sees itself as a representative of all those who are active in the closer and broader environment of the molecular life sciences. It provides contacts and networks that also represent a more direct added value for industry. The existing network currently covers the entire German university landscape. There, approximately 100 contact persons at various locations represent the interests of GBM nationwide. In addition, a network of GBM contact persons in industry is being established.

As multipliers, they are to bring industry-relevant information from the GBM to their companies and, conversely, communicate industry-relevant topics to the GBM.

Established conference formats such as the Mosbacher Kolloquium already serve as a forum for cooperation between industry and Academia. Companies present themselves in the lunchtime sessions, and industrial researchers are now frequently represented in the organizational teams of the colloquia.

For young scientists, too, closer contact with industry is desirable, since industry is the future employer for the majority of them. Formats such as "Meet the Industrial Scientist", analogous to the GBM-typical "Meet the Prof", or other formats in which career paths outside the university are presented, now exist at all GBM conferences and also as virtual events of the Junior GBM.

For the expansion of our network of contacts in industry, we are looking forward to hearing from interested parties who are welcome to contact the GBM Office.

Currently there are no events.

Prof. Dr. Carsten HopfCarsten Hopf
Hochschule Mannheim
Instrumentelle Analytik und Bioanalytik
Paul-Wittsack-Str. 10
68163 Mannheim 
T. +49 621 2926802 

Dr. Frederik WeißFrederik Weiß
Boehringer Ingelheim
Biberach a.d. Riß

